A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

“Of all the hardships a person had to face, none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting.”

Reading this book broke me. Khaled Hosseini's harrowing words are so captivating that I just could not stop reading. Laila and Mariam's stories so emotionally devastating and yet written so masterfully that it flows smoothly.

A Thousand Splendid Suns is a story of Two Afghanistani women. It is a story of survival, of love and of family. There are books out there that leaves you a different person. This is one such unforgettable book.

 My old battered copy of Hosseini's heartbreaking novel
My old battered copy of Hosseini's heartbreaking novel

Khaled Hosseini weaves the story of Laila and Mariam with the fragile history of Afghanistan in the backdrop. The political upheavals and revolutions run in the background as a devastating story of Laila and Tariq's love and Mariam's life is told with incredible mastery. The words are poetic and often heartbreaking.

As I read the description of the rockets travelling across the Kabul sky and destruction caused by different warlords and regimes it reminded me of the present situation of Palestine War. As many palestinian civilians die in the airstrikes, as many Jalils, Rasheeds and Tariqs fight in the streets and across the sky, many Lailas and Mariams are trying to survive each day in the streets of Ghaza. When all this ends, a lot of stories like this will be forgotten As we move on with our lives doom scrolling through Insta many women are living under the regimes of extremist/radical rulers. Many Mariams who need their Lailas, who are living under men dictating rules, under men forcing them to live by the scriptures and many who live being victimised and abused daily. In that sense the story of Mariam and Laila in A Thousand Splendid Suns is very real. It is the reality of many women in the world. In small or large scale many women can relate with Mariam and Laila and find hope among the pain and suffering.

I will not speak more about it. There are no words that can describe how beautiful and haunting this book is.

I wish everyone find their Tariqs and never meet their Rasheeds.

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