using PlotlyJS
z =  [10     10.625  12.5  15.625  20
     5.625  6.25    8.125 11.25   15.625
     2.5    3.125   5.    8.125   12.5
     0.625  1.25    3.125 6.25    10.625
     0      0.625   2.5   5.625   10]

data   = contour(; z=z)
layout = Layout(; title="Basic Contour Plot")
plt    = plot(data, layout)

fdplotly(json(plt)) # hide
using PlotlyJS
     scatter(x=1:10, y=rand(10), mode="markers"),
     Layout(title="Responsive Plots")
savejson(p, joinpath(@OUTPUT, "plotlyex.json"))  # savejson is an alternative to savefig # hide
# PlotlyBase.json (also exported by PlotlyJS) often gives a smaller json compared to PlotlyJS.savefig # hide


This code block gives:

using PlotlyJS
     scatter(x=1:10, y=rand(10), mode="markers"),
     Layout(title="Responsive Plots")

Note: The plot will be automatically resized when the browser window size changes due to the JavaScript function provided above. This, however, will ignore the layout.height and the layout.width supplied in the json. It gives good output in most cases. But if you need fine control over the size of the figure, please modify the JavaScript.